About Us

As a teacher, tutor, trainer, or any similar job position, you have the responsibility of training people to learn from you so that they can perform for their best. Whether you’re a teacher training a classroom filled with future leaders or a trainer orienting new hires of a Fortune 500 company, you have to efficiently and effectively communicate and share your ideas.

It is a daunting challenge, especially when you have a lot of info to cram into your listeners’ minds or when you struggle to catch people’s attention. In any case, World Air Co. is here to help. Our writers consist of teachers, tutors, and other kinds of experienced trainers offering helpful advice the next time you have to perform a lecture.

Wilma B. Fletcher

Wilma is a high school English teacher with over eight years of experience under her belt. Beloved by her students as a bubbly teacher with a love for both classic and modern literature, Wilma knows a thing or two about holding the attention of a classroom with up to 35 teenage students.

After class hours, she is the vice president of her school’s teacher organization. While their president focuses on the major aspects of their job, Wilma deals with teacher evaluations and training her colleagues on the latest educational methods.

Edwardo Clemencia

Edwardo works in a Fortune 500 company as an HR Specialist for their Texas branch. Responsible for handling new hires, orientations, and seminars, Edwardo has a decade of experience training employees from all ranges.

From fresh graduates to experts with decades of experience, to white- and blue-collar employees, to every type of employee you can imagine, Edwardo has had experience training them on the rules of the company. So far, he’s become successful in maintaining the company’s rules through effective communication.

Mark Cheshire

Mark is currently on his final year of college, earning hisundergraduate degree in Psychology. To maintain his scholarship, he works as a teaching assistant and gets to watch his professor captivate a room with almost a hundred college students watching her. To keep a steady income, he works part-time as a tutor for psychology and Literature 101.

Mark plans to be a teacher, and the skills he learned as a tutor and TA has helped him improve on his craft.


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