How You Can Help Your Child Be Organized

We spend so much time worrying about paying the mortgage, enrolling our kids in the right school, and dealing with our careers that we forget about one very important aspect of adult life: organization. Anytime is the perfect time to teach our kids how to be more organized with their time and stuff. We can’t let them grow up without learning the concept of organization and time management.

By nature, some people are better organized than others. But kids learn organization mostly from their parents and teachers. If there is school storage for children, a peek into it will tell you all you need to know about a kid’s potential for organization. Luckily, there are many ways to integrate organization into their daily tasks without sounding and looking like you’re lecturing them.

Create a Checklist

Creating a checklist will not look like you’re monitoring your child’s activities. In fact, for many kids, a checklist is a fun way to see what they’ve done and what they still need to do. They will feel a sense of accomplishment for seeing tasks completed. They will be challenged to check the tasks off the list. Post the checklist on the refrigerator so that it’s easy for everyone in the family to see it. Some of the items that should be in the checklist are their assignments, materials to bring to class, and household tasks.

You can use a digital checklist, of course. Many apps allow users to share their lists. This will help you track which activities are taking longer than usual for your kid to complete. This will give you a glimpse into what interests your child.

Designate a Study Time and Place

child finishing homework

Your child will have better time management skills in the future if they have a certain time of the day dedicated to do their homework and learn. The best time is not always after school. Your child needs time to unwind. They can’t go straight to working on their assignments after seating all day in class. Allow for some playtime before you ask them to start their homework. If there are no assignments, use this time to read a book or learn a new lesson.

There should also be a place where your kid should study. It can be a corner of the kitchen area where their books and learning materials are. Make sure that this space is free from distraction. If they want to study near you, that’s okay, too. You can better check on their progress.

Do a Weekly Cleanup

During the weekend, help your kid clean up their bags and school materials. Encourage them to keep a drawer where they can put old tests and papers. Other debris should be thrown out. This will keep their bags clean and ready for another week in school. Doing this regularly will inculcate the importance of keeping things clean and neat.

Learning about organization and time management should begin at home. You should set a good example for your child. Make sure to follow a checklist, too. Let them take a look at it and explain how you have managed and completed each task.

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