How Eating a Well-Balanced Diet is Saving You from Certain Diseases

A diet meal

The food you eat has a profound effect on your body. Experts recommend that a well-balanced diet will decrease your risk of developing illnesses, including certain types of cancers and type-2 diabetes. Eating nutritious food is your best bet if you want to live a long and healthy life.

A Daily Dose of Vitamins and Minerals Fuels Your Body

Your body is a machine. It also needs fuel in order for all of its many processes and functions to work as they should be. That is the important role that vitamins and minerals play.

Both vitamins and minerals are considered micronutrients because your body does not need a large dose of them. However, these micronutrients are essential because they improve bone strength, heal your wounds, convert food into energy, and boost your immune system.

Getting too much or too little of certain vitamins and minerals is harmful to your health. To ensure that you are getting the right amount of micronutrients into your body, you may consult an individual who has a degree in nutrition or a natural chef diploma. They may be able to identify which vitamins or minerals are lacking in your diet. This is particularly crucial for those who are diagnosed with an illness. Talk to a doctor before adding or subtracting food groups into/from your diet.

Antioxidants Protect You From Cell Damage

Free radicals are highly unstable molecules that are either formed inside of your body or from the environment, including sunlight. Free radicals lead to oxidative stress which may cause cancer, cardiovascular diseases, eye diseases, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and others.

Antioxidants work to prevent the negative health effects of oxidative stress in the body. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals by donating an electron, stopping oxidative stress before it happens. Eating more fruits and vegetables, specifically berries, will give you the right amount of antioxidants you need.

Fiber Feeds Your Gut Microbiome

Eating foods that are high in fiber is known to regulate one’s digestion and bowel movement. However, did you know that it already feeds the good bacteria in your gut? The microbiota living in your intestines plays an important role in keeping you healthy and alive. Without it, it would be difficult for you to survive.

According to research, the trillions of gut bacteria in your body works in keeping your digestive system healthy by aiding in digestion of certain foods and preventing bad bacteria that cause diseases from sticking onto your intestinal wall. In addition, your gut microbiome also promotes good cholesterol which may protect you from heart disease.

Scientists also found evidence that your gut microbiome affects brain health. People who have psychological disorders have different species of bacteria in their guts.

Healthy Fats

Well balanced diet concept

Not all fats are bad for your body. In fact, there are so-called healthy fats that your body needs to maintain its regular function. Unsaturated fats like monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats are good for your heart. Consuming both will reduce your risk of heart disease.

Then, there are omega-3 fatty acids that regulate inflammation, keeps your heart healthy., and boost your immune system. These are usually found in fatty fishes such as tunas and salmons.

Eating the right kinds of food every day can lower your risk of developing certain diseases in the future. However, a well-balanced diet is not enough to make you immune from falling sick ever. Regular exercise, sleeping right, avoiding vices, and others also have an effect on your overall health.

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