Technological Advancements That Can Facilitate Health and Wellness

woman doing yoga at home

Living in the time of a pandemic means contending with feelings of procrastination and the temptation to lead a sedentary lifestyle. And we can’t be hard on ourselves about it; after all, it’s abnormal to have to spend the majority of our time at home, especially if we’ve never been used to the work-from-home setup. But thankfully, there are a lot of technological advancements and tools that can help us lead an active lifestyle from the comforts of our home, regardless of how challenging it is.

But first, a caveat: No technology can replace the work of experts and professionals. If you’re struggling with unhealthy lifestyle habits that you’ve built for many years, consider employing the services of a health and wellness coach that you can trust. It’s your best bet for unlearning many habits that are detrimental to your health, and they can usher you to healthy lifestyle practices that are tailored to your particular needs. Couple this professional help from technological tools, and you might be on the way to the healthiest version of yourself.

Here are some technology trends you can check out to help facilitate your journey towards health and wellness.

Wearable technology

Wearable tech tools such as Apple Watch and FitBit have been gaining a lot of popularity for the past few years, and with good reason: They help users stay engaged in their workout and exercise commitments, they help people set S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, goals, attainable, relevant, and time-bound) goals, and they help users keep track of their progress.

One of the ways you can maximize the use of your wearable tech includes downloading your gym’s app, which can help you stay on top of your workout schedules and help you stay connected with your gym coaches and buddies despite the pandemic.

Virtual reality

Virtual reality

Since the COVID-19 crisis calls us to stay home to protect the most vulnerable and high-risk in society, we need to make do with the four corners of our homes to be fit and exercise. While outdoor exercises remain relatively low-risk as long as we wear our masks and keep our distance from others, working out indoors is still the best way for us to be sure that we won’t be infected by the virus and we won’t infect others.

Thankfully, virtual reality tech exists, which can transport us to a different world without us having to leave our homes. Some virtual reality fitness platforms include Peloton, a service that allows users to swing at objects thrown at them using futuristic baseball bats. They can also squat to avoid others. These routines allow users to workout in 360-degree environments and are synced to popular songs, choreographed by real fitness trainers. There are a lot of other VR subscription services with different concepts; you just need to find one that suits your tastes and interests best and what you find the most fun. It’s a great way to escape the monotony of your daily life at home while still allowing you to move your body, unlike when you’re simply watching movies or TV shows.

Smart fitness equipment

Smart home-workout equipment is much like VR, except they don’t require the use of headsets. There are options for lifting weights, cycling, and even rowing with world-class trainers in your home gym, and they can help you keep track of your progress without having to do it manually. The con is that these pieces of equipment may set you back a couple of thousand dollars, but it’s worth it if you have a specific exercise or workout in mind.

Apps and software

Perhaps the most cost-effective tech you can utilize to improve your health and wellness are apps and software, which cater to any possible health needs and requirements. There are apps to help users keep track of their sleeping hours and help improve their sleep hygiene and apps to help monitor the calories the users consume every day. There are software and programs that provide users with fitness calendars and ideas and help remind them to work out. There are also apps for people whose main way of exercising is hiking, jogging, or running—these programs can help runners regulate their systems and keep track of the distance they were able to go to at any given time. If you want to use your smartphone for good, let it help you track your progress. Whatever healthy habits you decide to form, chances are there’s an app for it.

Technology has always been about helping people find ease and comfort in whatever they’re doing, so don’t hesitate to explore current tech trends that can help you achieve your health and fitness goals.

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